Saturday, April 29, 2017

Sant Satguru Dr. Prem Saran Satsangi

प्रस्तुति-  डा.ममता शरण  
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi.png
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi
Born 9 March 1937 (age 80)
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Residence India
Nationality Indian
Fields Consciousness, Quantum Theory, Systems Engineering
Alma mater
Thesis A physical systems theory modelling frame work generalized for large scale economic system. (1968)
Doctoral advisor Dr. Jack B. Ellis
Known for
Notable awards
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi is the acclaimed Spiritual Leader (the eighth Sant Satguru)[1] of Radhasoami Faith, Dayalbagh.
Prof. Satsangi has applied western scientific techniques to study the Consciousness of the sages of the east. He holds the Emeritus Chair from the East of the Integrated East-West Forum at The Science of Consciousness Conferences since 2012.[2]
He is the chairman of Advisory Committee on Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, a think-tank constituted to suggest inter-alia steps necessary for achieving highest levels of excellence in education at all levels.


Life and academia

Satsangi was born on the campus of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on the day of Indian festival Holi on 9 March 1937. He is currently the eighth Revered Leader of the Radhasoami Faith, Dayalbagh.

The initial phase (1937–1964)

The initial stage was mainly spent at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi devoted to education. He studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in High School and pre-university education. Mathematics emerged as his most favourite subject. He then studied Electrical Engineering at the Banaras Engineering College. He was required to pass a course in Bhagavad-Gita to be eligible for pre-University qualification. Sahab has said that acquisition of pleasure and avoidance of pain is the motive of all actions of living beings and this motive finds a resting place only in a state of Supreme Bliss and this is the object of religion.[3] Science too aims to acquire pleasure and avoid pain for all.

Higher education

Securing good grades in the pre-university level in Science, Satsangi studied for a B.Sc. Electrical Engineering in the Banaras Engineering College (“BENCO”) and graduated in 1957.He then took a teaching job as temporary tutor in B.H.U.
In 1960 he accepted a scholarship at Cornell University at Ithaca where he earned A grades in all courses. The USAID also extended his fellowship for Ph.D. but since they declined permission for his wife to join him Satsangi refused the offer and returned to India in July 1961. He then engaged in research studies on his own and published a few papers. His interest in Linear Graph Theory based research received a fillip through his meeting and correspondence with Professor Myril B. Reed when he was a visiting Professor at College of Engineering, Guindy. Revered Prof. Satsangi got an appointment as Reader in Electrical Engineering at MBM Engineering College . He continued to engage in his research studies and published a paper with his younger colleague. Professor John Brown, a Microwave and Communications Engineering Specialist, who was then the Head of Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Delhi, appointed Satsangi to the faculty in 1964.

The middle phase (1964–1993)

The middle phase spent on the Campus of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,[4] was devoted to material-energy as well as mind - intellect related systemic education and experience.
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi in 1977 at IIT Delhi
Revered Prof. Satsangi joined IIT Delhi, which was the youngest of IITs created as centers of excellence for higher education then. In the initial years he taught Basic Network Theory (analysis and synthesis), control theory and electric traction courses. In 1965, summer, he served as a Rapporteur at the Summer School on Teaching Methods.
The next Summer Revered Prof. Satsangi attended a Summer School at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , Mumbai on Graph Theory and Coding Theory.
He then embarked on the journey to do Ph.D. in North America as he was successful in being selected for a Canadian Commonwealth Research Fellowship award. It turned out that the Commonwealth Fellowship award had a provision for a travel grant and allowance for the accompanying spouse also. IIT Delhi also gave Revered Prof. Satsangi deputation status with full emoluments and benefits of service for the entire duration of the Ph.D. programme. He secured admission for Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo with research supervisor Dr. Jack B. Ellis who offered the research field of Socio-Economic Systems. Once again Revered Prof. Satsangi’s ‘intuitive guidance’ clinched the issue and he continued his research at Waterloo instead of opting for alternative placement at McGill University with Dr. Milsum, a renowned authority in Bio-control field.
He settled down comfortably with the liberal help of Dr. Jack Ellis and embarked upon the work in right earnest. Revered Prof. Satsangi soon produced a literature survey paper on Socio-Economic System Theory - A Review, which was later published in 1970 and even won the Institution of Engineers (India) award of Corps of Engineers Prize for the best paper of 1970.
Although he had not studied economics earlier it fascinated him with its common sense approach. Revered Prof. Satsangi developed an intuitive feel for it as a science. He decided to investigate national economic systems by developing a physical systems theory modelling frame work generalized for large scale economic system and to apply it to a specific national economic system e.g. Canadian economy. Dr. Ellis personally introduced him to the system and staff at the Dominion Bureau of Statistics where he spent two weeks collecting relevant data. While working for Ph.D. he continued to sit on advanced academic courses of his interest offered by eminent professors. By the end of the first academic year Rev. Prof. Satsangi had cleared the requirement of oral comprehensive examination and defended the synopsis successfully.
Dr. Ellis gave him complete independence to chart out his research course leaving the onus on him which provided an excellent training to build up great confidence for doing independent research which later helped him in guiding research in India and producing 35 Ph.D.s. by the time of voluntary retirement from IIT Delhi. Rev. Prof. Satsangi soon realized that in interdisciplinary field of applied systems one has to make the research intelligible to persons drawn from varied disciplines like economics, operations research, systems science, management science, social science, policy planning and philosophy. He prepared a glossary relating systems theoretic terms and their economic interpretations. The theoretical construct Rev. Prof. Satsangi prepared was applied to model and study Canadian economy. He submitted his Ph.D. dissertation in March 1969.
His Ph.D evaluation committee was a large one because of the interdisciplinary nature of the work including among others Professors of Philosophy and Economics. Revered Prof. Satsangi’s Viva Voce examination continued for more than three hours. He defended his thesis successfully rebutting all attempts at detracting from the worth of his research. When a couple of members of the evaluation committee later regretted their subjecting Rev. Prof. Satsangi to such a gruelling experience he came to realize that the academic politics involving his supervisor on the University Campus played a role. It was not different from what is seen in Indian Universities. As Rev. Prof. Satsangi was committed to return to his country he declined an offer of a faculty position in a new Department of Systems Design Engineering there. It was at this point of time in the summer of 1969, that Dr. George Klir contacted him and requested him to serve on the Editorial Board of the proposed International Journal of General Systems as a representative from India, which Rev. Prof. Satsangi readily accepted.
After his return to India he tried to introduce and teach courses in Systems Engineering, particularly Socio-Economic Systems and continue research in this field. Revered Prof. Satsangi took bold steps in this direction, as by then interdisciplinary studies did not have much acceptance in India. Professor P.V. Indiresan, the then Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering IIT Delhi, reluctantly, agreed to let him introduce Socio-Economic Systems as an elective. Gradually the basic course on Systems Engineering evolved and enjoyed the status of a compulsory core course in Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi for 25 years approximately till mid 1990s; however, it got relegated as a Departmental elective after 1993 when he took voluntary retirement.
Another initiative he took after coming to IIT Delhi was on the research front. He sought co-operation of social scientists and economists on one-hand and systems scientists on the other from within IIT and outside IIT in Delhi. But there was lukewarm response. With the positive response of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Associate Professor of Economics at IIT and co-operation of his colleagues in Electrical Engineering Department he organized research seminars, discussions and projects in the interdisciplinary field of Systems Science and Engineering with particular reference to socio-economic systems. He became a member of the faculty forum organized by Dr. Subramanian Swamy and continued to enjoy the trust of his colleagues, supporting staff and the administration for the constructive and non-political role he played in it.
Since 1980 i.e. a Semester prior to the elevation of the Dayalbagh Educational Institute as a deemed to be University in summer 1981, Revered Prof. Satsangi had been interacting in its academic programme, particularly those in the Faculty of Engineering and spent three sabbatical years as Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in Dayalbagh Educational Institute. He permanently moved over there in May 1993 as its Director on an honorary basis and served in that capacity until his superannuation in March 2002. The basic core course in Systems Engineering was introduced early during Revered Prof. Satsangi’s professional association with D.E.I. and it has been in operation for the last 25 years. In addition, a full fledged M.Tech programme in Engineering Systems has been offered since early nineties as an interdisciplinary course. Rev. Prof. Satsangi’s systemic background also enabled him in successfully discharging his various responsibilities in academics and administration over the next three decades while holding several positions such as, to mention a few, - Dean of Academic Affairs; Coordinator, Quality Improvement Programme; Managing Director, Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer at IIT Delhi; and Director (Vice - Chancellor) Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) and Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education (ACE), Dayalbagh, Agra.
The systems movement in India is synonymous with the institution of National Systems Conference with a view to providing opportunities to pool and coordinate available knowledge in systems area and to promote systems research, project and education. Starting from 1973, 29 conferences have been held by 2005. By 1981 the systems movement gathered adequate momentum in the country and it ossified as Systems Society of India ( with him as the founder President (1981-84) with his office at IIT Delhi as its registered head quarters for the next 15 years. At the risk of sounding immodest, he almost emerged as the father figure of systems movement in India. The systems society also started publishing a periodical PARITANTRA ( (a Sanskrit word standing for all encompassing overall general systems) in 1993 with him as Editor-in- Chief. Soon after Revered Prof. Satsangi assuming the Directorship of the Dayalbagh Educational Institute they hosted the National Systems Conference ( in 1994 at Dayalbagh, Agra. The Head quarters of the Systems Society of India shifted to Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram around 1996. However the systems movement is well ensconced in India in the twin institutions of the National Systems Conference and the Systems Society of India.
His contributions in systemic research concerned a wide field e.g. Systems Science of Consciousness; National Economic, Energy and Environmental Systems; Transportation Systems; Educational Systems; and Planning Public Policy Analysis and Design. His two major fields of research have been transportation and energy. In all Revered Prof. Satsangi has written over 250 research papers (90 in referred journals) arising from his academic research including 35 Ph.Ds., sponsored and consultancy projects.
In Summer 1970 he went to the University of Waterloo as a post doctoral fellow for three months for joint research assignment with the Department of Systems Design Engineering and Man-environment studies. During the period he wrapped up his Ph.D. dissertation in the form of relevant papers. He also attended a short summer school at MIT on Transport Systems organized by highly competent experts. Revered Prof. Satsangi produced at least 8 Ph.Ds. in this field in due course.
An Association of Transport Development in India was founded in IIT Delhi. Their studies on Alternative Systems for Urban Transport in India were significant. Revered Prof. Satsangi was made a member of the study group headed by Anish Chopra a close friend and confidant of the then young Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. In spite of unforeseen developments they worked as one man beyond their normal call of duty as a labour of love. Revered Prof. Satsangi particularly contributed in the context of a quick response analysis to the identification of a simple statistically significant demand model and development of macroscopic urban demand models for various hypothesized city-sizes, generic physical forms and spatial activity structures. The youthful Rajiv Gandhi, as Prime Minister inducted a non-resident Indian Sam Pitroda for executing Technologies Mission who virtually brought about a communication revolution in the country, which is enabling India to emerge as a major international player in the field.
One of Revered Prof. Satsangi’s contributions towards systems engineering application to technology was in the form of an umbrella rural development project known as Integrated Technology Systems for Artisans and Landless Labour. He coordinated and implemented it in the rural region around Roorkee town for generating innovative ideas and building consensus. Detailed deliberations were carried out involving several institutions in Delhi, Madras (Chennai) etc., including the DEI. One other area in which he made major contributions is Energy Systems leading to completion of 13 Ph.D.s under his guidance. A number of management techniques such as creative idea engineering, Delphi Studies, futures scenario building, Interpretive Structural Modeling, fuzzy set approaches to planning and decision making have been employed in a variety of real world applications.

The current phase (1993–present)

The final phase that is continuing is being spent primarily at Dayalbagh, the Garden of the Merciful, in Agra.[5] It is devoted to systemic education and experience related to not only material - energy - information and mind- intellect - emotion but also the science of ultra - spiritual consciousness transcending the one in ancient India and the cognitive science based on recent advances in Neurophysiology and Cognitive psychology.
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi
The final continuing third phase commenced from 1993. Even before he left IIT Delhi in May 1993 to join the Dayalbagh Educational Institute as its Director, he had spent his sabbatical year during 1991-92 there. During the decade of 1990s he played a leading role in education and research in Intelligent Systems Engineering Applications to Large and Complex Systems by invoking state-of-the-art Soft Computing techniques and published several papers and produced a number of Ph.D. theses. He held the office of Director of Dayalbagh Educational Institute for almost 9 years. His primary duties involved academic administration of this rapidly growing University system although he continued participating in Systems Science research and practice. His rich and varied experience at IIT Delhi and systems approach gave him a firm foundational base for leading the University System in all its three dimensions, viz., academic, administrative and financial. Physical Systems Theory served as an all-purpose channel or vehicle through which he communicated successfully from his foundational base at the ground reality level with the colleagues at all levels in all disciplines and also with the government, neighboring community and the world at large.

In the orientation course to fresh students he acquainted them with the unique and innovative Educational Policy System of the Institute by presenting it as a picture in the form of an Interpretive Structural Model supported by another one of Total Quality Management at all levels. The University at Dayalbagh also rightly promotes mother-tongue Hindi for fostering creativity though as a policy it emphasizes proficiency in English because of its universality in higher education particularly science and technology. Soon after superannuation from the post of Director in March 2002, he was named as the Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education for Dayalbagh Educational Institutions. The main focus of this committee (a think tank) is to provide inputs to enable the Dayalbagh Educational Institutions to realize their potential for Institutional Competitiveness based on Total Quality Management. Invoking Systems approach he identified the broad dimensions of quality as Excellence, Creativity, Initiative and Innovation for evaluating the status of achievement. Through sample questionnaire response surveys and analysis for alumni and employees on one hand and current body of students, faculty and administration on the other, a process was started which is continuing in respect of DEI and is also being extended to all educational institutions of Dayalbagh. New initiatives were taken to extend the benefit of vocational training via distance education mode to remote and backward areas such as M.T.V. Puram at affordable low cost or even free of cost. Distance education courses have since then been launched in Theology, Indian Music and Indian Culture particularly for people of Indian origin abroad.

Spiritual leader

On 18 May 2003, Revered Prof. Satsangi was unanimously acclaimed as the 8th Revered Leader of the Radhasoami Faith. The Radhasoami mat or faith derives its name from its original Founder, the Supreme Being, Radhasoami who appeared in this world in human form and designated Himself Sant Sat Guru or perfect Saint or true Guide and Preceptor, and preached holy doctrines to sincere enquirer of Truth for the deliverance of their spirit from the bondage of body and its surroundings, as well as from the pains and pleasures of this world, and for the ultimate admission (of their spirit) into the Holy Presence of the Supreme Being after traversing and breaking through the trammels and impediments in the material spheres.
As per Revered Prof. Satsangi, Cosmology in Radhasoami Faith is all-inclusive with regard to various religions prevalent in the world. It has followed a Blue Ocean Strategy in charting out an uncontested spiritual space of the 4th Lok i.e. the Grand Division of the Purely Spiritual Region which is eternal beyond Kshar (perishable division of Pind, And and Brahmaanda together known as Triloki (3 lokas); Akshar (imperishable deity of Mansarovar’ on top of Brahmanda’); and Nihakshar (i.e. without 'Akshar’ ie the vast expanse of Mahasunn as the barrier between Brahmaanda and Nirmal Chetan desh).
He postulates - Life as per followers of Radhasoami Faith is a life of ‘Better Worldliness’ (neither worldliness nor unworldliness) which has evolved in response to four actions-framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, viz, eliminate rituals, orthodoxy, superstition etc., reduce unnecessary costs and wastage etc., raise standard and quality of Satsang, Seva and Abhyas etc. and create new satsang polity, new devotional method, new surat shabda abhyas etc. for Spiritual Value Innovation. Further, as per Revered Prof. Satsangi, the ‘Blue Ocean Theory’ assigns uncontested space to all stakeholders of Science and Religion, making competition irrelevant, while, the ‘White Mountain Strategy’ so to say, enables striving for achieving snow white peaks and pinnacles of highest spiritual attainment for all adherents of Radhasoami Faith!
Under his leadership, more and more systems studies have been carried out in various fields of activity of the Satsang Community to optimize practices e.g. optimum crop rotation and irrigation pattern in agriculture; optimum feed patterns for cattle in dairy; various energy conservation measures of electricity; water conservation; regulating modes of transportation in the colony, the Ashram Campus of Satsang Community; e-education and e-Satsang; e-Herald and so on.
Over the years, Rev. Prof. Satsangi continued to generalize the application of physical system theory to a variety of conceptual systems like socio-economic-environmental systems. Recently, with the growing ‘intuitive’ consciousness of the processes of creation relating to universal mind and universal spirit, which belong to transcendental and ultra- transcendental realms of knowledge, Revered Prof. Satsangi succeeded in formulating a rudimentary modelling framework for complete “Creational” System including not only physical processes but also ‘esoteric’ processes relating to mind and spirit.
Rev. Prof. Satsangi considered this as his most significant contribution to system theory which is continuing to evolve over time. This is not an attempt to revive ‘vitalism’ of early organismic thinking of the System theory. It is to emphasize that it should be endowed with its rightful essence through science of consciousness at all levels as contained in the Vedas and Upanishads and modern scientific religion of Saints.

The model presented here comprehends spiritual domains of the ‘complete’ physical-mental-spiritual creational system based on physical system theory analogue. A holistic approach for visualization of a complete creation system is in keeping with the Systems thinking. The fundamental spiritual axiom of the complete creational system is that the origin of creation is an infinite spiritual energy source or reservoir known as the Supreme Creator or Being (with attendant features of supreme energy, intelligence, refulgence and bliss) with its accompanying quantum spiritual force-field spanning the entire macrocosm. Each constituent fundamental particle of this quantum spiritual force-field known as the spirit-force, is the one that possesses prime energy and that all other forces of nature (mind-force or physical-force) have evolved by the association of this spiritforce with media (mind and physical matter) of different kinds (The concept of “spirit force” is no more intrinsically mysterious than “mass”).
The precreational postulate is that in the precreational condition the Supreme Creator (the original infinite spiritual energy source) was solely in a state of potential energy (i.e. absolute self absorption). However there existed an eternal polarization in that Reservoir of Spirituality. That is, there existed an infinite super positive pole of spirituality at the apex and a negative or nether pole of low order of spirituality at the bottom. The creational postulate is that in fullness of time there was such a vast potential difference in spirituality that there was a huge commotion like the Big Bang in the physical universe. It was a manifestation of the prime energy as a kinetic energy by means of a process of spiritualization (similar to the process of magnetization), which created a quantum spiritual force field between the super positive pole and the nether pole. As a result, the first great spiritual current “Adi Chetan Dhar” issued forth from the region of the Supreme Creator nearest to negative or nether pole. It proceeded first towards the super positive pole and returned to the negative pole outwards. The sound that accompanied the Spirit emanations of the Adi Chetan Dhar when articulated was “Ra-dha”. The sound that emanated from the great upheaval in the source or Reservoir (much akin to a tidal wave) when articulated was “Soa-mi”. Both together became the Dhunyatmak name “Radhasoami” which established the identity of the creator as ‘Radhasoami.” This name is reverberating everywhere in creation ever since (like the micro-wave relic of the physical big-bang). In the first phase the six subdivisions of Nirmal Chetan Desh (i.e. Purely Spiritual Region of the Universal Spirit) were created; in the second phase, the six subdivisions of Brahmanda (Universal Mind) and in the third phase the six subdivisions of Pind (i.e. physical or material region) were created. The universal consciousness realization postulate: Man, the microcosm is a creation on Earth, the fourth subdivision of the Pind (Material Region). He possesses not only the six ganglia or nerve centres for making communion with the corresponding six subdivisions of Pind but also six apertures in the grey matter of the brain for gaining access to corresponding six subdivisions of Brahmanda as well as six other apertures in the white matter of the brain for communicating with the corresponding six subdivisions of Nirmal Chetan Desh, the purely Spiritual Region. This postulate further states that the consciousness of spiritual domains of the three grand divisions cannot be realized by physical senses but requires the use of hidden senses in the form of six ganglia or nerve centres in human frame and six apertures each in the grey matter and the white matter of the brain. These ganglia and apertures can be rendered kinetic through meditation or Surat-Shabda-Yoga the practice of uniting the Spirit force with the sound-currents accompanying the various manifestations of Spirit currents.[6]
In the religion of Saints the complete methodology of spiritual practice of Surat Shabda Yoga is revealed to the seeker at the time of initiation. The original highest mystic name “Radhasoami” is the master key that can render kinetic all the centres situated in human frame ultimately enabling the human spirit to attain the highest level of consciousness of Radhasoami Dham (the apex super positive pole of infinite spiritual energy) passing through all intermediary regions. One would thus attain highest level of consciousness commensurate with the attainment of absolute truth or ultimate reality of the Supreme Creational Plane. With the fundamental axiom and postulates in place the rudimentary modelling frame work for spiritual domains, as a physical systems theory analogue, can be used for enhancing our understanding by explaining the phenomenon of switch closure through “resonance” in Surat Shabda Yoga- i.e. Meditational Sound Practice.

Lately, he has also been pursuing, in association with a young system colleague (Dr. Vishal Sahni), a systemic study of consciousness during congregational meditation-cum-prayer meetings in the Community Hall at Dayalbagh through relevant repeatable non-intrusive (non-invasive) scientific experiments using random number generators, RC electric circuits such as filters (low pass, band pass and high pass), tuned LC circuits, RC phase-shift circuits and a diode-bridge, square law, modulator circuit (for sensing electromagnetic waves in the Community Satsang (Prayer) Hall. Using control measurements in vacant Satsang Hall we are in a position to attribute the presence of distinct electromagnetic wave frequencies such as 4.5 Hz (delta wave), 76 Hz & 108 Hz (gamma waves) and 126 Hz (higher gamma wave), at which there is peaking of amplitudes in a number of scientific experiments referred to above, to spiritual waves generated during congregational meditation-cum-prayer meetings in the Community Hall at Dayalbagh by individuals and by groups of persons. Also, there is strong evidence to infer that he, as the adept or mentor in the community, radiate the characteristic meditation “resonance” frequency of 126 Hz. He is currently engaged in applied system research project of social relevance for spreading the ideal of ‘Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man’ by building consensus among the Radhasoami Satsang Community for adopting appropriate life style.[7]
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi delivering a talk
Towards this end approximately 20,000 persons have been sensitized about the issue and nearly 1,000 of them have participated in interactive seminars. Three workshops on Idea Engineering, Delphi Studies and Scenario Building exercises were held in December 2004 and January 2005, the results of which were presented at a Seminar on 13 February 2005, the foundation day of both Radhasoami Faith and Dayalbagh which was telecasted to 43 locations all over the world (to an estimated audience of 20,000 persons). The emerging consensus in broad terms were:
A. Objectives:
(i) To achieve better-worldliness or better world order.
(ii) To render selfless service to mankind.
(iii) To evolve complete man with balanced physical, mental and spiritual development.
B. Obstacles / Constraints:
(i) Ego
(ii) Temptation
(iii) Selfishness
C. Solutions:
(i) Engage in community service, religious service and spiritual practice.
(ii) Provide education, more education and education made perfect, inculcating values such as obedience, tolerance and co-operation.
(iii) Set up habitats that facilitate leading exemplary life of "better-worldliness”.
He concluded this retrospective on an optimistic note that this systemic quest for a better world order will be a continuing feature sustained by fellow members of the Radhasoami Satsang Community with systems bent of thinking. He dedicated this piece to the ever-widening horizons of Systems Science and Practice in the service of mankind. He knew that he owed his “intuitive consciousness” to Most Revered Dr. Mukund Behari Lal Sahab, the seventh revered leader of Radhasoami Faith, Dayalbagh (17 February 1975 – 5 December 2002) as his continuing “Guru” - mentor, philosopher and guide.
1. It should be noted that though Merciful Radhasoami has made the practice of the Surat Sabda Yoga that He has taught, so easy that man or woman, a boy or a girl and young and old people can perform it easily, yet one always needs Lord's Mercy in this, because the Jiva is extremely weak, ignorant and liable to commit mistakes. Hence, whatever Abhayasa and activities connected with devotion it is the Will and Pleasure of the Lord to make a devotee perform, can be performed by him only through the Grace of the Supreme Being, Merciful Radhasoami. It is not within the competence of the Jiva, without Lords Grace, to perform this practice continuously and without obstruction, but the Jiva should, relying on His Grace, strengthen his resolve and courageously continue his efforts.
2. Similarly, though people are advised that they should bring their mind and senses under control and, after turning them away from the world and its enjoyments, they should apply them internally to Sabda and in the Holy Form and then gradually make them ascend to higher regions, yet, as the Jiva has remained entangled in the meshes of Maya in life after life and age after age and for long long years and is entangled in the associations of the world and the enjoyments of worldly objects and has altogether forgotten his Original Abode, i.e. the Region of Sat Purusha Radhasoami and as the inclination of his mind and senses is outwards and towards his family, kinsmen and the objects of Maya and as he is engaged at all times in making efforts for acquiring those objects or remains entangled in thoughts about them, he generally forgets the instructions of true paramartha which he occasionally hears, while the method which has been taught to him to control his mind and senses does not much impress him on account of his preoccupation with thoughts of the world and cannot therefore be followed successfully. Hence Grace is necessary in order to get some success in this work also. The Supreme Being Merciful Radhasoami grants Grace and Mercy whenever and in whatever manner He thinks it proper to do so. The Jiva should, however, remain detached from the world and its enjoyments to some extent and should not entertain unnecessary desires.
Under the guidance of Revered Prof. Satsangi, a historical initiative was taken by the Radhasoami Satsang Sabha (the governing body of Radhasoami faith), called the Murar declaration [8] on 13 June 2010, for forging unity among different Radhasoami Communities. Under his further guidance, a conclave of Religious Leaders of various religious sects had been organized under the name "SPIRCON 2010",[9] on 14 November 2010, at Dayalbagh Agra, to promote fraternity, amity, and heartfelt love and affection for each other among Satsangis i.e. followers of the different Radhasoami communities. As per Revered Prof. Satsangi, the theory of spiritual systems is fully consistent with the latest theory of everything for Physical Universe.
Revered Prof. Satsangi has related systems theory to universal consciousness realization, bringing out that the religion of Saints prescribes a systemic methodology of the meditational practice of ‘Surat Shabda Yoga’. The object in view is to realize the highest degree of macrocosmic consciousness or ‘Ultimate Reality or Truth’. He, however also asserts, that this requires a rigorous practice under the guidance of a ‘Living Sant Satguru'.

Recent work and publications

Rev. Prof. Satsangi has applied western scientific techniques to study the consciousness of the sages of the east.

In 2014 he co-authored a paper published in the International Journal of General Systems titled,”Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling for neuronal microtubules as hierarchical clustered quantum Hopfield networks”.[10] The abstract of the paper reads as, “Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling (GTQSM) is facilitated by considering the fundamental unit of quantum computation and information, viz. a quantum bit or qubit as a basic building block. Unit directional vectors “ket 0” and “ket 1” constitute two distinct fundamental quantum across variable orthonormal basis vectors, for the Hilbert space, specifying the direction of propagation of information, or computation data, while complementary fundamental quantum through, or flow rate, variables specify probability parameters, or amplitudes, as surrogates for scalar quantum information measure (von Neumann entropy). This paper applies GTQSM in continuum of protein heterodimer tubulin molecules of self-assembling polymers, viz. microtubules in the brain as a holistic system of interacting components representing hierarchical clustered quantum Hopfield network, hQHN, of networks. The quantum input/output ports of the constituent elemental interaction components, or processes, of tunnelling interactions and Coulombic bidirectional interactions are in cascade and parallel interconnections with each other, while the classical output ports of all elemental components are interconnected in parallel to accumulate micro-energy functions generated in the system as Hamiltonian, or Lyapunov, energy function. The paper presents an insight, otherwise difficult to gain, for the complex system of systems represented by clustered quantum Hopfield network, hQHN, through the application of GTQSM construct.”

In 2015 he co-authored a paper published in the Internatonal Journal of General Systems titled, “Modelling microtubules in the brain as n-qudit quantum Hopfield network and beyond”.[11] The abstract of the paper reads as, “The scientific approach to understand the nature of consciousness revolves around the study of the human brain. Neurobiological studies that compare the nervous system of different species have accorded the highest place to humans on account of various factors that include a highly developed cortical area comprising of approximately 100 billion neurons, that are intrinsically connected to form a highly complex network. Quantum theories of consciousness are based on mathematical abstraction and the Penrose–Hameroff Orch OR theory is one of the most promising ones. Inspired by the Penrose–Hameroff Orch-OR theory, Behrman et al. have simulated a quantum Hopfield neural network with the structure of a microtubule. They have used an extremely simplified model of the tubulin dimers with each dimer represented simply as a qubit, a single quantum two-state system. The extension of this model to n-dimensional quantum states or n-qudits presented in this work holds considerable promise for even higher mathematical abstraction in modelling consciousness systems.”
He has recently taken the research further by co-authoring a paper published in the International Journal of General Systems titled, “From n-qubit multi-particle quantum teleportation modelling to n-qudit contextuality based quantum teleportation and beyond”.[12] The abstract of the paper reads as,This paper further generalizes the modelling framework for contextuality based quantum teleportation to n-dimensional quantum states, or n-qudits (quantum odd-prime based units) which holds considerable promise for even higher mathematical abstraction. The proposed generalization extends the two states in the qubit model, to n states and this n could tend towards infinity. We are heading towards point-sized loops or fine-grained particles of nature, which have been rejected out of hand by string theorists. It is not physical reality when measured from the sense of Planck’s length of 10-35 metres, but finer-grained particles than Planck’s length 10-35 metres may exist, although, they are not matter anymore. We argue that why stop at degree of freedom of three, but instead pursue quantum odd-prime based units with higher degree n such as 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and so on till nth degree of freedom even tending to infinity. String theorists admit its multiple landscapes with higher degrees of freedom which points its uniqueness both for particles finer than 10-35 metres as well as distances greater than 1010 light years. Modern research by physicists and mathematicians including Roger Penrose, Max Tegmark, Nick Bostrom and Herbert Bernstein provides scientific basis to this work.
Revered Prof. Satsangi serves as the Emeritus Chair from the East of the Integrated East-West Forum at the TSC conferences. Prof. Stuart Hameroff, Emeritus Editor (West) is Director, Center for Consciousness Studies and Emeritus Professor for Anesthesiology at University of Arizona. Tucson, USA.

Together with Prof. Stuart Hameroff, he has authored a book on consciousness – “Consciousness – Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives”.[13] This book brings together eastern and western perspectives on consciousness with essays from philosophers and scientists which emphasise different aspects of the integration. The overarching aim of this book is to provide direction towards integrating Eastern philosophical and religious practice with philosophies and science of Western culture, an aim that could be pivotal in understanding consciousness and its place in nature. A unifying approach is adopted to the study of consciousness, integrating the wisdom of the sages of the east, and the scientists of the west and the stupendous east-west integration that has been achieved is indeed a milestone. The book will appeal to the rapidly growing mass of scientists and students in this upcoming field, both in the east and west, as well as the general inquisitive reader. Courses in consciousness studies are being promoted in leading Universities all over the world. It will also interest the followers and adherents of Eastern Philosophy of Saints and Radhasoami Faith numbering in a few millions around the globe.


Rev. Prof. Satsangi was born to His father Mr. Krishna Kumar, son of Mr. Mahabir Prasad (S/o Shri Gopal Sewak) (Head Master, Government High School, Mirzapur ) was a Professor of Botany at Agriculture College, Banaras Hindu University and his mother Mrs. Bhakt Saheli was daughter of Rai Bahadur Bhola Nathji, who had been Accountant General in Banaras State. Rev. Prof. Satsangi was born into a family with three generations of teachers (father, grand-father and great grand-father) who became adherents of Sant Mat. Rev. Prof. Satsangi married on 11 November 1958 (incidentally the day of `Deepavali' to Ms. Satyavati, daughter of Mr. Vishwa Nath Sahai and Mrs. Prem Bala and they have two daughters. Their elder daughter is Mrs. Prem Pyari, an M.A in Psychology (DEl) and a B.Ed. and the younger daughter is Mrs. Dayal Pyari, a M.Sc. in Physics, a B.Ed. and also an M.Phil in Electronics. Both daughters are married and settled in India.

Awards and honours

Revered Prof. Satsangi has been the recipient of several prestigious awards including the National Systems Award in 1977, Jacob Gold Medal in 1987, the Life Time Achievement Award from IIT Roorkee and Distinguished Service Award from IIT Delhi during its Golden Jubilee Year in 2011. He was the Founder President of Systems Society of India and also a member of several professional bodies, occupying important positions e.g. Chairman, Northern Region Committee of A.I.C.T.E and Vice President, Association of Indian Universities. His papers have won numerous best paper awards at conferences and journals.

Research papers

Rev. Prof. Satsangi has published 90 research papers (in referred journals) and has attended several National and International Conferences. Revered Prof. Satsangi has been one of the major pioneers of Systems Engineering Movement in the country. His major contributions are in the field of Applied Systems Engineering including socio-economic systems such as transportation and energy systems. Some of the research papers published by Revered Prof. Satsangi are mentioned below:
  • Mathur, M.C. and Satsangi, P.S. (1985) “Entropy Maximizing Methods of Transport Analysis Vis-à-vis a Physical System Theory Modelling Framework”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 15(2), 281–290.
  • Nanda, J., Kothari, M.L. and Satsangi, P.S. (1983) “Automatic Generation Control of an Interconnected Hydrothermal System in Continuous and Discrete Modes and considering Generation Rate Constraints” IEE Proceedings 130 Pt. D. (1), 17–27.
  • Paliwal, L.N., Nanda, J. and Satsangi P.S. (1978) “State-Space Modelling of a Series Compensated Long Distance Transmission System Through Graph Theoretic Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 97(5), 1648–1655.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1962–63) “Formulation of K-Equations in Time Domain”, Journal of Scientific Research (Banaras Hindu University) 13 (1), 212-228.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1963) “Linear Graph Theory – A Growing Engineering Discipline”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) 43 Pt. EL 3 (6), 123–141.
  • Satsangi, P.S. and Garg, V.K. (1966) “Linear Graph Theory Applied to Structures – 1: Continuous Beams”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) 49 Pt. C 13 (5), 175–193.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1969) A Physical System Theory Modelling Framework Generalized for Large Scale Economic Systems (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario).
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1970) “Socio-Economic System Theory – A Review”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) 50 Pt. EL3, 124–134.
  • Satsangi, P.S. and Ellis, J.B. (1971) “General Systems from Network systems: a philosophy of modelling”, International Journal of Systems Science 2(1), 1–16.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1977) “A Physical System Theory Modelling Framework for Transportation System Studies”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 7 (11), 763–778.
  • Satsangi, P.S. and Gautam V. (Eds.) (1983) Management of Rural Energy Systems (Galgotia Publications, New Delhi).
  • Satsangi, P.S., Sarma, E.A.S. and Thukral, K. (1988), “A Systems Approach to Energy Planning in India and its Rural Region”, in Lundqrist, L. et. al., Spatial Energy Analysis (Gower Publishing Company, Stockholm), 89–119.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1988) “Integrated Technology Systems – a study”, Kurukshetra (a Journal of GOI Department of Rural Development, New Delhi) 37 (1), 63–69.
  • Satsangi, P.S. and Chelpa, L.M. (1993) “Alternative Systems for Urban Transport in India”, Journal of Advanced Transportation 27 (3), 309–329.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (1994) “Role of Engineering Education”, Technorama (Institution of Engineers (India)), 20-31.
  • Satsangi, P.S. et. al. (2003) “System dynamics modelling, simulation and optimization of integrated urban systems – a soft computing approach”, Kybernetes (The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics) 32 (5/6), 808–817.
  • Satsangi, P.S. (2003) “Reality and Truth vis-à-vis Wisdom (via “Apara Vidya ” and “Para Vidya ” (Invited Lecture) International Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operational Research Societies, New Delhi.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2003), “Reality and Truth vis-à-vis Wisdom via Aparavidya (Natural Science) and Paravidya (Phenomenology: Experiential Science)” at the International Conference of Association of Asia-Pacific Operational Research Societies at Hotel Grand International, New Delhi on 8 December 2003.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2006a), “Linear Graph Theory for Modelling a Variety of Systems”, Int. Conf. on Differential Geometry and Topology in the Perspective of Modern Trends (DGTPMT – 2006), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, February 2006.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2006b), “Generalizing Physical Systems Through Applied Systems Research from “Real” Physical Systems through “Conceptual” Socio-Economic-Environmental Systems to “Complete” (Physical-Mental-Spiritual) Creational Systems”, International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2006, pp. 127–167.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2008), "On Systems Modelling of Macrocosm and Microcosm in the Domain of Spiritual Consciousness", Vision Talk at the Inaugural Function of International Seminar on Spiritual Awakening: A Systems Approach to Address the Civilizational Crisis (SPAWSYS 2008), 12 January 2008, Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book, pp. 23.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2009), "Applied Systems Research for Better Worldliness", Vision Talk at the Joint International Conference on Applied Systems Research and XXXIII National Systems Conference (ASR-NSC 2009), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 27 November 2009, Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book, pp. 25.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2010), “Cosmology from the twin vantage points of Radhasoami Faith and Systems Science”, Vision Talk, International Seminar on Religion of Saints (‘Sants’) – Radhasoami Faith, DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra, November 2010 (also Chapter 23 of Expositions on Truth, Ultimate Reality and Supreme Being, Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh, Agra, 2010, ISBN 978-81-89288-60-0), Also in P. Sriramamurti, Prem Prashant and Anand Mohan (Eds.), Spiritual Consciousness, New Age Books, 2013, New Delhi, pp. 21–40.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2011), "Cosmology of Consciousness : Towards Quantum-Theoretic Systems Modelling; Spirit-Mind-Brain Interactions", Vision Talk at the Inaugural Workshop of the Centre for Consciousness Studies (CONCENT 2011), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 1 October 2011, Abstract Book, pp. 50–67.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2012a), “Eastern Philosophy in the Spiritual Traditions of Oriental Saints (“Sants”) : An Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) Representation”, Keynote Address, Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2012) Conference : Forum on Eastern Philosophy and Consciousness, 9 April 2012, Arizona, USA.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2012b), "Neuro-Cognitive Spiritual Phenomenonology", Vision Talk at Special Forum on “Quantum Theory and Science of Consciousness” at International School on Quantum and Nano Computing Systems and Applications (QANSAS 2012), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 28 November 2012, Abstract Book, pp. 53.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2013a), Towards Integrating Arts (First-Person Spiritual-Cognitive-Material Phenomenology) and Science (Third-Person Neuro-Physical, Environmental, Cognitive Correlates) of Consciousness, The Dayalbagh Vision, (Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2013) Conference : Vision Talk), 3–9 March 2013, Centre for Consciousness Studies, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra, India, Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book, pp. 61–63.
  • Satsangi. P.S. (2013b), "Consciousness : Towards Integrating Art and Science of Inner Experience", Vision Talk at the Valedictory Session of International School on Quantum and Nano Computing Systems and Applications (QANSAS 2013), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 1 December 2013, Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book, pp. 53–54.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2014a), "Consciousness : An Integrative Systems Modelling Approach", Vision Talk at the East-West Forum, Twentieth Anniversary Conference on Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2014) Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 21 April 2014, Abstract Book, pp. 277.
  • Satsangi. P.S. (2014b), "Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram Revisited in the Perspective of Grand Macro / Micro Cosmology", Vision Talk at the Special Forum on “Consciousness : Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives” at International School on Quantum and Nano Computing Systems and Applications (QANSAS 2014), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 26 November 2014, Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book, pp. 53.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2015a), "Rhythms of Macrocosmic Universe and Human-Microcosm : Consciousness Systemology Perspective", Vision Talk delivered at the East-West Forum of the Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2015) Conference at University of Helsinki, Finland, 8 June 2015, Abstract Book, pp. 373.
  • Satsangi. P.S. (2015b), "Towards An Ultimate Consciousness Conjecture (for the Human Microcosm and the Grand Macrocosm)", Vision Talk at the Special Forum on “Consciousness : Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives” at International School on Quantum and Nano Computing Systems and Applications (QANSAS 2015), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 25 November 2015, Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book, pp. 47.
  • Satsangi P.S. (2016), "Modelling microtubules in the brain as n-qudit quantum Hopfield network and beyond", Vision Talk at the Integrated East-West Forum of The Science of Consciousness (TSC 2016) Conference at University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 25 April 2016, Abstract Book, pp. 241.
  • Satsangi P.S., Sahni, V. (2007), “A Systemic Experimental Study of Macrocosmic Consciousness”, Proceedings of National Systems Conference 2007 (Systems Society of India), MIT, Manipal, pp. 13–19.
  • Satsangi P.S., Sahni V. (2008), “Study of Human Consciousness as a Surrogate of Macrocosmic Consciousness via Scientific Measurements of Electromagnetic Wave Radiations”, Proc. of XXXII National Systems Conference (NSC 2008), IIT Roorkee, 17–19 December 2008, pp. 301–307.
  • Satsangi P.S., Sahni V. (2012), “Cosmic Consciousness Hierarchization : Analytic, Experimental and Experiential”, Concurrent Session on Science and Spirituality, Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2012), Tucson, Arizona, USA, April 2012, Abstract Book, pp. 193.
  • Satsangi P.S., Sahni V. (2015), “Power Law of Meditational Consciousness”, Concurrent Session on Meditation, Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2015), Helsinki, Finland, June 2015, Abstract Book, pp. 340.
  • Srivastava D.P., Sahni V., Satsangi P.S., (2011) “Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling for information/computation processing circuits”, International Journal of General Systems, Taylor and Francis, UK, Vol. 40, No. 8, November 2011, pp. 777–804, ISSN 0308-1079.
  • Srivastava D.P., Sahni V., Satsangi P.S. (2014) “Graph Theoretic Quantum System Modelling for Neuronal Microtubles as Hierarchical Clustered Quantum Hopfield Networks”, International Journal of General Systems, Taylor & Francis, UK, Vol. 43, No. 6, August 2014, pp. 633-648, ISSN 0308-1079.
  • Srivastava D.P., Sahni V., Satsangi P.S., (2016), "Modelling microtubules in the brain as n-qudit quantum Hopfield network and beyond", International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 45. No. 1, February 2016, pp. 41–54, doi:10.1080/03081079.2015.1076405, ISSN 0308-1079.


  • Official website of Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh

  • (22-23)

  • Official webpage of Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh

  • Past HOD's of IIT, Delhi

  • A Search In Secret India ISBN 1614272891

  • Neuro-environmental Cognitive Spiritual Phenomenology Talk delivered by Revered Professor Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab at the Special Forum on 'Quantum Theory and Science of Consciousness' at the International School on Quantum and Nano Computing Systems and Applications (QANSAS 2012) organized at Quantum-Nano Systems Centre, DEI, Dayalbagh

  • Vision Talk delivered by Revered Professor Prem Saran Satsangi at the Inaugural Function of The Twentieth Conference on Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC 2013) organised by Centre for Consciousness Studies, Dayalbagh Educational Institute.

  • Murar Declaration as cited on the official webpage of Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh

  • A grand convergence

  • Graph-theoretic quantum system modelling for neuronal microtubules as hierarchical clustered quantum Hopfield networks

  • Modelling microtubules in the brain as n-qudit quantum Hopfield network and beyond

  • From n-qubit multi-particle quantum teleportation modelling to n-qudit contextuality based quantum teleportation and beyond

    1. Consciousness: Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives (with Stuart Hameroff) ISBN 8178224933

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