Sunday, July 5, 2020

विशेष पाठ का चयन

On the auspicious occasion of Param Guru Huzur Dr. Lal Sahab, please find the below links for selected 200 Paths  in audio and video format.
This is a collection from various sources viz. PB Shambhu Nath ji, Nageshwar Rao ji, Banerjee Dada, Rajesh Sharma ji, Dayalbagh CD of paths and many others.
These were edited for enhancing the quality and cleaning the noise.

This collection was offered in the Holy Feet of Radhasoami Dayal in the fields on the occasion of 200 years (200 numbers) of Dayalbagh celebrations.
Gracious Huzur then directed us to submit these to PB Anup Srivastva ji and Dr. Vishal Sahni ji.
This was complied.

The shabdas in audio and video are same.

The Only difference being that In the Video format, all Param Guru pictures keep appearing in a grouped sequence.

Param Guru Huzur Lal Sahab ka bhandara sab ko Mubarak

Note: A few of Repeated Shabdas are by different singers.

Radhasoami Dayal ki Daya, Radhasoami Sahai

May He Bless us all always

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पूज्य हुज़ूर का निर्देश

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