Friday, November 27, 2015

Guru Nanak / संत गुरू नानक

James Bean
प्रस्तुति- उषा रानी / राजेन्द्र प्रसाद सिन्हा 

Guru Nanak: In the course of his missionary activity Nanak often visited foreign countries. According to local folklore, he is said to have visited Mecca in the guise of a Muslim devotee. But his not paying heed to Mohammedan etiquette nearly cost him his life. On his first night at Mecca he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. He was rudely awakened by an Arab clergyman who said, "Who is this sleeping Kaafir (infidel) who lies with his feet towards God?" To this Guru Nanak replied, "Turn my feet in the direction where God is not".
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Sunil Gupta
James Bean
James Bean Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!

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My new e-book and blog about the history of Sant Mat Masters in India: "The Origins of Sant Mat, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib's Guru":…/the-origins-of-sant…
Also at Medium:…/the-origins-of-sant-mat-the-five-names…
Where the Path Comes From: Everyone in contemporary Sant Mat has a clear idea about their own recent history of masters, at least dating back a few generations. Most trace their lineage of gurus back to Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India. Tulsi Sahib (1773-1843) is viewed as the adi-guru or founding guru, the "great grandfather" of modern-day Sant Mat. The identity of Sant Tulsi Sahib's guru has understandably been of great interest to many students of Sant Mat history. It's quite normal for followers of a spiritual path to be curious about "the family tree" of previous masters, wanting to know where their spiritual path comes from. So, who was the guru of Tulsi Sahib? And who was that individual's guru? Who was the guru before that? And so on....
The Five Names/Panch Naam Mantra: So, who was using the panch naam mantra -- these five names -- prior to the time of Sant Tulsi Sahib? It's an important question as it may shed further light on the identity of Tulsi Sahib's guru and the origins of this spiritual path called Sant Mat. If Tulsi Sahib did not invent the usage of the five names himself, then it's rather likely he was continuing the practice he had learned at the feet of his own guru, reflecting an even older tradition of Sants. It would be most informative to know the identity of this earlier Sant Mat path that represents the "people of the five names", if you will, those who chanted these sacred mantra-words during earlier centuries....
The Path of the Masters: The Ten Sikh Gurus are quite well-known. The Adi Granth (Guru Granth) is easy to get. There are even several translations of Sikh scriptures accessible to anyone for free on the web. I can see why it would be so easy for English-speaking westerners interested in Sant Mat to see the Ten Sikh Gurus as being a kind of "primary line of masters" before the time of Soamiji Maharaj. However, the world of Kabir and successors, Kabir Sagar volumes, bhajans of Dharam Das, other compositions of Kabir lineage gurus, Sat Saheb, Dariya Sahib with his twenty three books, and the four or five volumes of Sant Tulsi Sahib are far more obscure. For the most part, these are available only in Hindi, virtually unknown to most, especially in Europe and North America. Thus, there is a great need to focus on what has bee
n translated, the information which has come to light, and begin the process of researching that Sant Mat history prior to the time of Soamiji Maharaj and Sant Tulsi Sahib. For me, what comes into view is another "line of masters", a treasure-trove of Sant Mat literature, and a much more precise history of the Path.

James Bean

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