Monday, September 27, 2021

ध्यान : light &sound .

 "I look out upon my garden vegetables, fruits and flowers. In that garden are thousands of precious souls kindred to myself, struggling by means of their tiny sparks of intelligence, striving always toward the light, each one slowly rising to something a little higher than itself. They are all ascending the scale of evolution... This phenomenon emphasizes the common brotherhood, the fundamental kinship, between all living beings, including animals. It offers a sublime picture, this grand procession of all living forms, slowly moving toward that 'far-off divine event' spoken of by Tennyson. It is the best consummation of all evolution when the last grain of dust shall enter the light of immortality." (Julian Johnson, Path of the Masters)

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  कल 8-1-22 की शाम को खेतों के बाद जब Gracious Huzur, गाड़ी में बैठ कर performance statistics देख रहे थे, तो फरमाया कि maximum attendance सा...