Tuesday, April 13, 2021

ध्वनि ध्यान का आनंद / जेम्स बीन

 Huzur Maharaj: "If someone's mind is inordinately attracted towards some particular worldly affairs, or towards some particular person, or entertains strong feelings of enmity or grudge against anyone, then also he will have little love in the Holy Feet of the Supreme Being, and for this reason, his mind will not apply itself to devotional practices, and he will find little pleasure in them. To sum up, therefore, a true satsangi should as far as possible, detach himself [or herself] from worldly affairs every day, and should increase his love and attachment in the Feet of the Supreme Being. The extent to which his mind gets relieved of worldly attachments, is love in the Feet of the Supreme Being will increase and the bliss of Bhajan and Dhyan [meditation including inner Sound Meditation] will also be felt in a greater degree, and he will experience internally greater Daya [Grace]."

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पूज्य हुज़ूर का निर्देश

  कल 8-1-22 की शाम को खेतों के बाद जब Gracious Huzur, गाड़ी में बैठ कर performance statistics देख रहे थे, तो फरमाया कि maximum attendance सा...