Saturday, March 21, 2020

कोरोना को लेकर दयालबाग के दिशानिर्देश

[21/03, 18:44] गौरवी सत्संगी: _*R.S.*_

_*Dear Brother/Sister,*_

            _*In continuation to email dated 19.3.2020 and on account of observance of ‘Public Curfew’ announced by the Prime Minister of India from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on 22.3.2020, it has been decided that the children of all regions within India except Delhi, Maharashtra & Gujarat and Bihar would receive proceedings of the function in audio mode at their homes only without assembling at respective Branch Satsangs.*_

_*2.         Regarding Maharashtra, it has been informed that 13 children at Bombay and 13 children at Pune would participate with some of them participating from their home locations and in Delhi, 12 children each would participate from two locations while at Murar, 10 children would participate.*_

_*3.         It is re-emphasised that guidelines/instructions of the Government shall be duly followed while participating in the programme.*_

_*4.         Satsang Regions abroad have already been instructed to participate in the programme by following ‘participation from home option’.*_

_*5.         The programme is likely to be held during the early morning khet.*_

_*With Hearty Radhasoami*_

_*Yours affectionately,*_

_*Gur Saroop Sood*_
_*Senior Vice President*_
[21/03, 18:44] गौरवी सत्संगी: *सूचना*

*दिनांक 22.03.2020 को*   सभी भाई बहन, सुपर मैन अर्ज वाले और गूल पार्टी , लकड़ी पार्टी,-----
 सत्संग व खेतो का काम  रात 1.00 से  बजे  होगा।

चारा पार्टी दोनों और फलबाग *डेयरी*

*यह रविवार के सेल्फ कर्फ्यू (जनता कर्फ्यू- प्रात: 7 से रात्रि 9 बजे) के लिए मोदी के आह्वान के अनुरूप है।*
खेतों का काम सरसों काटने का होगा जो  *गुरु छाया से आगे पाइपलाइन* पर होगा ।

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