Sunday, May 2, 2021


 🙏Radhasoami! Kindly circulate on WhatsApp groups of Dayalbagh to benefit people in this corona phase. 

🙏Please take care of your health and strengthen your immune system:       

 🧷1.Have turmeric milk with black peppercorns 

🧷2.Consume mushrooms as these are rich in antioxidants.

🧷3.Eat healthy nuts like walnuts and almonds 

🧷4.Sprinkle flax seeds over your cereal, breakfast items like poha upma.

🧷5. Drink Green tea.

🧷6.Use multigrain atta and put a handful of besan in it.

🧷7.In place of sugar, use jaggery or honey.

🧷8. Eat beetroots and sprouts and salads with olive oil 

🧷9.Eat oranges ,tomatoes and use lemons.

🧷10.Eat raw garlic cloves and use onion and ginger in diet to resist infection. 

🧷11.Cook Dalia khichri 

Or Bajra Khichri.

🧷12.Please go in sun for 10 to 15 minutes

 🧷13.Avoid processed and packaged foods

 🧷14. Avoid cold drinks and Icecreams.

🧷 15.Stay hydrated.

🧷16.Consume a rainbow diet full of fruits and vegetables.

🧷17.Chew neem leaves  or tulsi leaves or use them in tea or coffee.

Thanks Radhasoami

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